Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I'm thirty-seven weeks pregnant. Thirty-seven weeks and one day, to be exact. That one day means something to mean and don't you forget it. =)

I had a midwife appointment today with my fabulous midwife, Jenny. I was really hoping that she was going to check me today to see if my cervix has dilated at all thus far. Unfortunately (for me), she didn't. She said that she didn't want to check me too early because she feared that if I wasn't dilated at all yet, I might become discouraged. She's right. She knows me. We've spent some time together in the last twenty-four months. I am glad that she is looking out for my good, rather than catering to my own preferences.

Please pray for me...that I would submit to the Lord's will and timing for my life concerning this pregnancy and the laboring and delivery of the Womb-Dweller.

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