Tuesday, March 22, 2011


It's been a crazy few days.

I don't really have time for a long update, but I wanted to fill you in...

Caleb has Reactive Airway Disease (which is really vague) and will be receiving breathing treatments through a nebulizer every day (every four hours). He will also be taking a steroid and an antibiotic.

He's doing well, despite being confined to a small area (because of an IV).

We finally are home (as of tonight, around 5PM).

This is not a lifelong illness (I hope). We have been told that he will grow out of this and we are so thankful. =)


Appollo Schloss said...

Thank the Lord for albuterol!

iarepilotswife said...

I'll be in prayer for you guys!

Glad you're home. Thankful he'll outgrow it. Hope it'll be sooner rather than later.