Monday, October 22, 2012


I'm feeling pretty refreshed since having vented to you, blogging world, about my current struggles.Thinking about having baring my soul to you, dear reader, makes me think about something I just read:

In C.S. Lewis' Voyage of the Dawn Treader, after Eustace is overcome with greed, he turns into a dragon. When Aslan rips off the dragon skin with a stroke of his paw, Eustace compares it to the childhood joy of picking a scab. It hurts like billy-oh, but it is such fun to see it coming away." When we remove out false selves, repentance creates integrity. We return to the real source of love--our Heavenly Father. We become authentic.

Paul Miller wrote that in a chapter in one of his books (The Praying Life). I referenced that book in my last post. It is really shaking up my prayer life...really, shaking up life for me in general. Love it. I love that God desires for us to be authentic. He wants us to come as we are, but He has declared we should not stay as we are; He's changing us. It's a slow process, but in the end, we will not be as we once were. 

I love authentic people. I loathe the fake. Just be you, for cryin' out loud. I know that is so easy for some and oh-so difficult for others. I'd much rather be real with people and have to work out issues because I've been honest about where I am and who I am than to never engage people on a real and meaningful level because I was wearing some silly mask.

Being authentic is risky, but I think it's worth it.

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