Sunday, February 12, 2017

Breaking the Silence

I have been tossing around some ideas in my head lately and blogging just seems to be a good way to clear my own mind. Read if you dare.

 At the grocery store nearby, employees act bothered to be doing the tasks for which they are hired and paid to do. They are not only unhelpful, but they are unkind. I don't know what happened to the idea of taking ownership of your work. I thought that we were all supposed to work excellently at everything that we do. Why are we all so bothered with our responsibilities?

Reading through my Facebook feed, I see so many politically and religiously "tolerant" people behaving SO intolerably. It's pretty insane that we don't know know how to disagree with dignity. We aren't open to engaging in conversation with people who don't think exactly as we do. There is a HUGE gap between "us" and "them." I am ready to encounter some people who don't think like me, but who are willing to engage me as a human being. I have a worldview. So do you. When we can pinpoint where our worldviews differ, we can have real conversation.

More to come.

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