God is trustworthy.
He keeps His Word. And no one has to remind Him to do so, because He doesn't forget. He doesn't grow old or tired or weary.
I've been reminding myself of this truth. And really (because I do a crappy job at times of reminding myself--oh my sin!), I have just been assaulting myself with the truths that are found in His word. Daily being in His word is my lifeline. I am grateful for His work in renewing and transforming my heart and mind.
I've been thinking on a lot of things these past few months, dear reader. I wish that you were sitting across from me on my comfy couch with a warm cup of _________ (insert whatever you like to drink here). I'd like to share the highlights with you here and now, though.
In January, a few days before my birthday, I was afflicted with a stomach virus. I never remember how much I abhor throwing up until I am cuddling with the toilet bowl and lying on the floor. I hate it. Brian was so gracious to me during this time. He stayed home from work and took care of everything and everyone so that I could vomit in peace. He put the kids down for nap and set up "The West Wing" so that we could watch it (in between me running to the toilet. TMI?). A few days later, *he* was struck with the same virus. So, he stayed home from work and I took care of him. Needless to say, we were all very happy when our Virus 2013 was dormant. We prayed that God would spare our children... and He did! Isn't He good?
A week later, I woke up with a horrible pain in my side. It was debilitating. And I'm not a weenie. I ended up having to call Brian and he rushed home (my Dad came and stayed with the kiddos, for those who are curious). Without going into all of the details, we found out that I was pregnant. That didn't explain the pain that I was experiencing, so we were sent to the hospital only to discover that I had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. The doctors told me that had I not come in to the hospital, I would have internally haemorrhaged and died. There was already a large amount of blood in my pelvic region. Anyway, sad, sad day, friends. I was excited to discover that we were expecting a baby and so saddened to learn that the baby would not be joining our family, here outside the womb. I am still processing all of these things and probably will continue to do so for a while. I have learned a tremendous amount about the Lord and His trustworthiness.
I know that He is in control and has the right to rule.
This baby did not slip out of His hands.
He caused this.
He did?
Yes, He did.
And He is good.
It was His will.
Wait, what?
Yes, it was a part of His grand story for His fame and glory in my life.
I am so grateful that, in the details of my life, He has proven to be so trustworthy. He is faithful throughout the Scriptures. I could just read and learn of His faithfulness. BUT He has gone above and beyond in showing me that He is not only faithful to His collective people-- the Body of Christ, but that I can take His promises personally too.
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